
Maybe Inspirations on the Way how to Enjoy Life maybe just Chaos

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"Handling our suffering is an art.
If we know how to suffer, we suffer much less,
and we're no longer afraid of being overwhelmed by the suffering inside."

Thich Nhat Hanh

Vulnerability isn’t good or bad. It’s not what we call a dark emotion, nor is it always a light, positive experience. Vulnerability is the core of all emotions and feelings. To feel is to be vulnerable. To believe vulnerability is weakness is to believe that feeling is weakness. To foreclose on our emotional life out of a fear that the costs will be too high is to walk away from the very thing that gives purpose and meaning to living.

- Brene Brown

Reposted from existential

"Freedom is not given to us by anyone;
we have to cultivate it ourselves.
It is a daily practice."

Thich Nhat Hanh